9 best cardio exercises to lose weight with plantar fasciitis | 2022

cardio exercises to lose weight with plantar fasciitis

Are you still worried about weight loss, just because of plantar fasciitis?

Being overweight is never beneficial. Being overweight leads to several types of disorders including cholesterol, knee pain, diabetes, and many cardiovascular problems.

Unfortunately, plantar fasciitis is one of those disorders which affect mostly adults and people of old ages. Other disorders may not stop you from working out, to lose weight but;

Plantar fasciitis doesn't allow you to lose weight so easily.

If you're one of those people, for which Plantar fasciitis becomes a hurdle when they just start working out by its stabbing pain, which even makes it difficult to walk then, this ultimate guide is just for you.

Actually, Plantar fasciitis is the inflammation of the thick band tissue (plantar fascia) that connects your heel bone to the toes. So, whenever you try to do the most beneficial and popular exercises to burn calories, it hurts.

Firstly, you should do any remedy for your plantar fasciitis then by maintaining a proper diet, start working out on these cardio exercises to lose weight with plantar fasciitis.

Although, there are exercises that you can do for weight loss without putting excess stress on the plantar fasciitis;

Yet, it is better to have a healthy plantar fascia.

Here, we are going to disclose those top 9 best cardio exercises to lose weight with plantar fasciitis.

Best Cardio Exercises to lose weight with Plantar Fasciitis

The exercises include the following.


yoga exercise to lose weight with plantar fasciitis
Source - https://www.sify.com/
It is one of the top exercises for weight loss. It has 5 main objectives, which are Exercise, Relaxation, Diet, Breathing,  and Meditation.

5000-year-old transcription has proved yoga to be an effective weight loss therapy.

The good thing is that yoga has many kinds. So, if one proves unfavorable for you, you just move to the other.

It stretches almost all muscles of your body, making them strong and active. You can join a yoga class for training also.

The Mountain Climbers exercise
mountain climbers cardio exercise to lose weight with plantar fasciitis
Source - https://sports.yahoo.com/

This is the second-best exercise that you can do while you have both obesity and plantar fasciitis.

This exercise is a variation of plank workouts. It is aimed to stretch targeted muscles including Biceps, Triceps, Core, and Chest.

It is very beneficial for weight loss. It puts stress on these muscles causing you to burn calories to lose weight, along with preventing the plantar fascia from stretching.

You can collide your feet to a stationary support to avoid excess from the plantar fascia.

The process of doing this exercise is as follow:

  • Get into the usual push-ups position.
  • Bend your right knee forward, towards the chest.
  • Get it into the initial position.
  • Repeat the step for your left knee.
  • Do 20-25 steps of this exercise.

Stationary Bikes Riding
stationary bikes riding cardio exercise to lose weight with plantar fasciitis

Riding stationary bikes is just like running on the ground. It mainly targets your lower body muscles making them participate in the weight loss journey. 

As of now, you've plantar fasciitis, you can't get to run, so you can have this exercise as an alternative.

You must use supportive shoes while performing this exercise.

Water Aerobics
water aerobics exercise to lose weight with plantar fasciitis
source - http://goldenheartseniorcare.com

Water is one of the most powerful things. Water exercises can help you lose weight very quickly. Also, you won't need to lift heavy weights.

There are many types of water aerobics. Some of them like "the leg shoot", work great for people with plantar fasciitis. You must try water aerobics and the results will be ridiculous.

Uphill Walking

uphill walking cardio exercise to lose weight with plantar fasciitis
Source - https://www.insider.com/

Walking and running are the best exercises to lose weight. As we know that running is punishing while you've severe plantar fasciitis.

So, It is mandatory to do some exercise for the plantar fascia. Walking uphill is a sort of exercise, found helpful to train plantar fascia.

But always remember to keep this exercise limited to your plantar fascia health. Don't cross limits, or things will get worse.

You can try using an inclined treadmill to perform this exercise.

pull-ups exercise to lose weight with plantar fasciitis

Certainly, you'll be well aware of the term pull-ups. This exercise is pointed to the shape and training of your upper body.

It doesn't put excess stress on your plantar fascia, making it easy for you to lose weight. 

You can be the healthy you if you start doing these exercises while maintaining consistency and a proper diet.

swimming cardio exercise to lose weight with plantar fasciitis

Swimming is the most popular adventure and cardio exercise done by the majority of people. Also, it doesn't put excess stress on the plantar fascia.


Losing weight is never easy and also it's not too tough. You need to work hard consistently and then taste the fruits of your success.
dieting to lose weight with plantar fasciitis
Source - https://www.haber7.com/

Plantar fasciitis is not a new issue.  So, as old it is, the more remedies it has. It can be treated, cured, and sustained.

You just need to stay consistent, maintain a proper diet and wait for the rest.

FAQs regarding cardio exercises to lose weight with plantar fasciitis

Here are the most repeated questions asked about cardio exercises to lose weight with plantar fasciitis.

Can I do squats with plantar fasciitis?

No, it's better to avoid squats while having plantar fasciitis. Because while doing squats, you need to put excess pressure on your heels.

This can put exceptional stretches on the plantar fascia, causing unbearable pain.

Should you still exercise with plantar fasciitis?

Doing exercise is necessary, If you've plantar fasciitis then it is helpful for you to exercise a bit for your plantar fascia strength.

Supportive shoes for plantar fasciitis can help lessen stretches from it but to strengthen your plantar fascia and be able again, to wear according to your desire, you must exercise for your plantar fascia.

Should you rest or exercise with plantar fasciitis?

As discussed above, doing exercise helps you to stay healthy. Along with exercising for other muscles, you must perform some exercise for your plantar fascia.

When you've lesser plantar fascia strength, you should do exercises that put less stretch on the plantar fascia.


When you start retaining your health, increase reps or change the exercising pattern.

Will plantar fasciitis go away if I lose weight?

The treatment of plantar fasciitis is much more related to the health of the plantar fascia than, obesity.

Plantar fasciitis hurts more for a person with overweight because the foot needs to bear more weight, and for that, the plantar fascia needs to be more healthy.

If you lose weight, your plantar fascia pain may reduce to a certain level. Because now, there is less pressure on the plantar fascia.

Exercises to avoid with plantar fasciitis?

Exercises that put excess stretches on the plantar fascia should be avoided while having plantar fasciitis. Because it's all the game of this tissue (plantar fascia that connects your heel bone to the toes).

If you're tired of obesity and stabbing pain of plantar fasciitis, then you must try the above-mentioned exercises.

Final line

Obesity is itself a disorder and having plantar fasciitis along with it, is much more than any punishment.

You must lose weight and if plantar fasciitis is becoming a hurdle, you can just sweep it off. Try following these best cardio exercises to lose weight with plantar fasciitis.

Maintain proper diet and consistency and you will taste the fruits of your success.
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